Garden District Neighborhood Association
is a registered 501(c)(3): 86-0838923 Garden District Neighborhood Association does not charge dues and has no means other than fundraisers or donations for raising funds for the numerous different projects we do in the neighborhood.
Garden District Neighborhood
The Garden District Neighborhood Association is bordered by Swan Road on the East, Grant Road on the North, Alvernon Way on the West and Speedway Boulevard on the South. The Tucson Botanical Gardens, John B. Wright Elementary, and Martha Cooper Library are gems of our neighborhood. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals
can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead Details of these meetings will be announced in the kiosks and neighborhood email newsletter.
GARDEN DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION MEETINGS AND EVENTS ALVERNON/GRANT INITIATIVE (AGI) With Police and the neighborhoods bordering the Grant and Alvernon Intersection Second Tuesday of every month. 6 pm Emmanuel Church on Alvernon TWO NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION KIOSKS
Southwest Quadrant - corner of Bryant and Fairmount. Northeast Quadrant - the northwest corner of Linden and Catalina beside the corner of Wright Elementary's playground. |